Benchmark your FCOC Survey Results

Benchmark your FCOC Survey Results: Independent Third-Party Data for Local Authority Fair Cost of Care Surveys

With Market Sustainability reports due in October 2022 and pressure on the quality of survey data collected from providers mounting, it is important to have access to other sources of reliable cost information to help set robust and affordable rates.

Valuing Care is a prime source of market intelligence that can be used as part of a range of indicators to complete a fair and transparent Fair Cost of Care exercise

Valuing Care have used the collective intelligence from previous surveys to construct a range of cost models that calculate fair prices for services, reflecting local staffing costs and property values. This facilitates benchmarking of the local survey results, providing commissioners with increased confidence in what constitutes reasonable cost.

The company has been collecting cost data for over 10 years, providing a reliable and statistically significant data set that can be used as an independent benchmark.

Valuing Care has now made that benchmarking data available in a personalised software environment which can be accessed by local authority commissioners:

What you will receive within the software:

  • Local authority specific data tables that are representative of the local market
  • A detailed methodology explaining how the figures are arrived at
  • Access to a consultant to talk through the tables and explore scenarios

Please fill in the form below to submit your enquiry for a personalised software environment: