Cost of Care Reviews

Available across all areas of care spend in the public sector, Valuing Care’s Cost of Care Reviews set the standard in determining a fair price for care home and domiciliary care services.

Valuing Care have completed over 50 comprehensive cost of care reviews for Councils and the NHS across the UK. 

This experience has allowed the company to develop and refine its processes for surveying care home providers, identifying the usual costs of care, and making clear recommendations on what constitutes a fair price for services within a particular area.

What’s included with Cost of Care Reviews?

Market Surveys & Analysis – Robust and systematic approach to engage care providers to collect underlying cost data and validate reported costs. Sound statistical techniques to identify usual the costs of care within a locality.

Benchmarking – Valuing Care have used the collective intelligence from previous surveys to construct a range of cost models that calculate fair prices for services, reflecting local staffing costs and property values. This facilitates benchmarking of the local survey results, providing commissioners with increased confidence in what constitutes reasonable cost.

Reporting – Clear and accessible reporting that provides Commissioners with clear recommendations on what constitutes a fair price for services within a particular area. Development of pricing models which calculate a fair price for bespoke packages of care.

What our customers think

We are pleased with the level of detail and workings in the reports as it allows for open discussions and helps us understand the market better.

Tim Baverstock | Deputy Director for Adult Social Care | Somerset County Council
Logo for City of Stoke on Trent

I’ve been happy with the report and the detail which confirms some of my findings, but also presents some surprises and recommendations that are definitely worth considering. It is certainly key in our planning for the retender of domiciliary care.

Scott MacDonald | Commissioning Manager | City of Stoke-on-Trent