Commissioner Software

Are you responsible for setting key fee rates for your local authority or NHS Continuing Health Care Team? Use Valuing Care’s models to benchmark these rates to ensure sustainability and value for money.

 Valuing Care’s models have been used by commissioners since 2008 to measure the local market to set fee rates that are realistic and sustainable. In that time the company has built up template, methodology and data aggregation tools.

This project experience and data is now available as software so that commissioners can easily model their own fee rates, including:

  • Older People’s residential
  • Older People’s nursing
  • Older People’s dementia packages
  • Continuing Health Care base rates for nursing packages
  • Domiciliary care rates for Local Authorities and the NHS


With the Commissioner Software organisations can:

  • Benchmark their current fee rates against Valuing Care’s models.
  • Use our specifically designed templates to collect local residential.
  • Generate survey results based on templates collected to inform future fee setting.
  • Scenario model inflation and other cost pressures when projecting future fee rate increases.