Self Funders
We help people who fund their own care understand the true costs of delivering services: understanding the cost structure enables them to have an informed discussion about the quoted price .
Our range of commissioning support services across adult, older people’s, children’s, and CHC help commissioners secure value for money services. Whether you want us to manage financial reviews and negotiations on your behalf, or provide you with tools to undertake it in-house; Valuing Care will ensure you have the tools available to negotiate a fair price for services.
Valuing Care supports provider organisations to deliver efficient services, and ensure pricing is fair and competitive. If you’re a care home provider and want to ensure your current fee levels are fair and competitive in the market, Valuing Care analyses costs to help you achieve sustainable, transparent pricing for care.
Consultancy Services
Our consultancy services are provided by skilled accountants, financial analysts and social workers with many years’ experience of working with public sector and provider organisations. Our combined expertise spans all services. We believe that services should be purchased for a fair price that ensures fairness to both the provider and purchaser.